How to use the below data.

Well it all depends on what your looking for.

Looking for the line with the highest breaking strain to diameter ratio? Look at the “Tensile Rank”. This is a number that is calculated based on the cross sectional area of the line and its average max breaking strain.

Best Abrasion resistance? Check out the Abrasion chart which is calculated as a percentage of the lines’ maximum break when in contact with an abrasive surface. Same goes for FG knot % of maximum break.

Maybe your interested in the diameter of a specific line to see how much you can fit on your reel? For that, check out the “Measured Diameter” column.

Summary of Tested Braids

Tensile Strength

Tensile Strength is defined as “the resistance of a material to breaking under tension” and is calculated by combining the diameter of the line and the force required to break it. This means that no matter what diameter the line is or what tension it breaks at, you can compare 2 completely different lines to see which one has a stronger construction.

The graphs below show a summary of all the braids and their respective test results.

They have been grouped in 4 different ways:

  1. Braid Ranking – This is an overall ranking based on the braids maximum tensile strength, and then the percentage of that maximum break obtained for the Abrasion and FG Knot tests.
  2. Maximum Tensile Strength – All tests expressed as a tensile strength in PSI
  3. Abrasion – This is the percentage of the maximum break number in pounds that each braid obtained for the Abrasion test
  4. FG Knot – This is the percentage of the maximum break number in pounds that each braid obtained for the FG Knot test


Rated vs Tested Breaking Strength

The plot below shows all of the lines that have been tested and compares their Rated Breaking Strain against their Actual Tested Breaking Strain.

Diameter vs Tested Breaking Strength

The plot below shows all of the lines that have been tested and compares their measured Breaking Strain against their measured Diameter.